Mobile App Development
iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone Apps
Neccina deals intensively with the app development. Starting with the first Java-enabled mobile phones and Windows Mobile operating system, we have been offering quality services in the area also App for iPhone and Android development.
Neccina is a software development company focused on innovation - we were among the first mobile apps for Android, the rising star in the sky smartphone, developed. We also have extensive experience in the app development for iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone and BlackBerry.
Neccina operates successfully at the global and European software development market for 14 years. In order to ensure competitive costs and excellent results, we provide only highly qualified development resources with fluent English or German language skills and experience in international development projects
When developing software, we never forget about scalability. The customized software developed by us is always open for future extensions and integrations with 99% of all common software tools. We carefully supervise every phase of the project - the first meeting of the requirements for software development to post production support, maintenance and update
Web DesignGraphic Design, Web Design, Branding
We have more than 14 years of intensive experience in web development and support the entire web development cycle, including analysis of requirements, developing concepts and specifications, web design, UI development, server back-end development, testing (manual and automatic), website maintenance, search engine optimization
Software for the Internet - Web applications, Web sites, online projects - are our core business. We realize your projects online, your company into the Internet and optimize your business processes with modern web technology.
Project SupportProject, Team, Plan, Analysis, UML, SQL, XML
Organizations, business processes they need to entrust to an organization outside of its own thanks to specialist in-house division of labor, are transferred to specialized institutions and companies who live this way, the intensity of work provides an effective cost and time savings. The company specializes completely in its sector on issues, work efficiency can remove the upper levels.
Analysis, together with the customer is often exacerbated fully reflect customer requirements and software requirements. In this phase, the software development team, the appropriate code developed by the software requirements and design. In order to improve the quality of generated code, in accordance with international standards, coding and unit testing is being carried out. In this way, the quality and clarity of code increases, and is easier to maintain.